Michael A. Erskine received his Ph.D. in Computer Science and Information Systems from the University of Colorado Denver. Prior to joining Middle Tennessee State University as an Assistant Professor, Dr. Erskine served as the Director of the Educational Technology Center at Metropolitan State University of Denver. His teaching interests include web development and project management. His research interests include educational technology, learner competencies, disaster management, technology governance, and location analytics. His research has been presented at various international, national, and regional conferences including the Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS) and the International Conference on Information Resources Management (ConfIRM). Additionally, his work has been published in Information Systems Frontiers, International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, Journal of Computer Information Systems, and International Journal of Electronic Government Research. He is a member of the Association for Information Systems, the Project Management Institute, and the Decision Sciences Institute. In his spare time, Dr. Erskine enjoys sailing, scuba diving, mountain biking and hiking.